Two Unit Mixed-Use Building at North and Kedvale Under Management

Previously Managed
4122-24 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL 60639
5,100 SF
  • Two unit mixed-use building in Chicago's Hermosa neighborhood

The Details

  • 5,100 SF mixed-use building under management
    • 2,550 SF storefront used as restaurant
    • 4 bedroom apartment
  • At corner of North and Kedvale
  • Fully leased property
  • Zoning: B1-1
  • Part of Pulaski Industrial Corridor TIF

Millennoium Properties is managing a two story, 5,100 square foot mixed-use building at the corner of North and Kedvale. The fully leased property is divided into two units - a 2,550 square foot storefront which is used as a restaurant and a four bedroom apartment on the second floor.